Sunday 5 April 2015

Childbirth - from both ends of the bed

There are many things that we both wish we had known about childbirth before we experienced it. Both times.

We are not going to pretend to be able to prepare you for the birth of your child, as every labour is different. We definitely weren't prepared for the births of our children and that was even after reading the parenting books and hearing every anecdotal tale going.

What we can do however, is tell you about some of the things that we learnt while on the front line of childbirth. Hopefully our experiences will lend you an insight into what’s in store, possibly tell you something you didn't already know or, at the very least give you a little giggle at our expense.

Over the coming weeks we will be compiling a group of short and sweet blogs that cover the many different aspects of childbirth that shocked, frightened, grossed-out and amused us, from afterbirth to episiotomies.

We will be covering each topic from both ‘ends of the bed’ so basically from my point of view and Danielle’s. Hopefully this will help us to give Mum’s and anyone else attending the birth (Dads, partners, Mums, aunts, camera men etc) a head’s up on what to expect.

If there are any specific topics that you would like us to cover please drop us a line and let us know.

 Here is a list of some of what’s to come:

Pain - Dan, stop squeezing my hand, it hurts.

Induction - You’re going to put WHAT up WHERE?

Birthing plans - The benefits of having one and then not following it.

Dignity - To wax or not to wax? That is the question. It's okay Dan, they've seen it all before.

Afterbirth - What is seen can never be unseen.

Breastfeeding -  The joys of watching them grow.

Trust - It’s their job, they know what they’re doing.

Are we there yet? - Bring supplies and a change of pants, this might take a while.

The joys of being a Birthing Partner - how to eat, breath and exist without annoying her.

Episiotomies - When the time comes to reach for the scissors.

Group B Strep - Group B what?

Afterwards - Coming home.

Thanks for reading,

Follow us on twitter @accidentlparent

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