Wednesday 15 April 2015

We're Going On a Bear Hunt

Today Bella decided that she wanted to do something nice for her sister, so she read Connie her favourite story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' over breakfast.

Connie got so excited that she joined in with most of the story and nearly bounced her way off of her high Hair. 

"Mum! What if we went on a REAL bear hunt? We could do it like when we went to Neverland!"

Well that was that. We then spent the entire day drawing story plans, making lists of the things we needed and setting up each part of the story. Bella had had a friend over to sleep the night before, so we had an extra pair of hands which helped a lot (they did also spend a proportion of the time bickering - but it's getting to that point in the holidays now so that's to be expected).

The girls worked really hard on preparing each section of the story. Their plan was to take Connie around to all of the different areas that they had made, while reading the book to her, so that she felt like she was really there in the story.

As usual we took lots of pictures...

Connie spent lots of time alongside Bella, drawing the dark, gloomy forest. All the while saying 'Uh- oh, Uh-oh'.

The girls transferred the story plans they had drawn inside, onto the patio, so that they could remember where to put everything, and the order of the story.

"you can't go over it, you can't go under it, OH NO you've got to go through it!"

Walking through the grass, swishy swashy, swishy, swashy!

Trudging through the river. Splash, splosh, splash, splosh!

Uh-uh, a snow storm, a swirling whirling snowstorm!

Quick, through the forest. stumble trip, stumple trip.

Uh - uh, a cave! A narrow, gloomy cave!

What's that? It's a bear!!

Connie was a bit too scared to go into the cave....

So she went for a swim in the river instead!

The girls had so much fun today, and it was great to do something so multi-sensory for Connie.

I am once again exhausted! I think we all are. It's getting to that point in the holidays now where everyone in our household is a bit tired and grouchy - I'm sure I'm not the only Mummy who's starting to pull her hair out a bit. 

Time to put Connie to bed and go get the red! 

Money spent - £0
Coffees required - none, far too hot today.
Bella's review - 10/10;

1 comment:

  1. What am AMAZING idea!!!!!!! Think I might be stealing this...
